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    Red Sea 結果共15筆

  • Fisherman lands 102kg grouper, scores big at market

    A Taiwanese fisherman named Su had an extraordinary fishing experience off the coast of Liuqiu, a coral island in the Taiwan Strait. Instead of catching the Spanish mackerel he was targeting, Su managed to reel in a massive 102-kilogram giant grouper. This impressive catch quickly became the center of attention upon Su’s return to port, selling for NT$50,000 at the Huaqiao Fish Market and earning him a substantial windfall. Tseng Yu-tsung, an official with the Liouciou Fishermen’s Association, explained that local fishers typically use largehead hairtail or Japanese jack mackerel as bait to attract Spanish mackerels. While mangrove red snapper and groupers may also bite, encountering a giant grouper of this size is incredibly rare and comparable to winning the jackpot. Pingtung County is known for cultivating giant groupers, but finding wild giant groupers weighing over 100 kilograms in the sea is extremely scarce.
    2024/02/07 12:10
  • 丹麥將派遣護衛艦 加入以美國為首紅海護航行動

    丹麥國防部長波爾森(Troels Lund Poulsen)今天指出,明年1月將派遣1艘護衛艦加入以美國為首的紅海(Red Sea)護航行動。
    2023/12/30 06:22
  • 紅海危機緩解航運公司陸續返航線 國際油價下跌

    國際油價今天大跌,因為有更多航運公司表示準備好走紅海(Red Sea)航線,舒緩了中東持續緊張之際供應恐將中斷的疑慮。
    2023/12/29 09:33
  • Evergreen, Yang Ming hold off to resume Red Sea route

    Taiwanese shipping companies Evergreen Marine Corp. and Yang Ming Marine Transport Corp. have chosen not to resume their Red Sea route following Maersk’s decision to do so. Maersk reinstated the route due to the "Red Sea crisis" caused by increased violence from Yemen’s Houthi rebels. The deployment of the multinational naval task forces under the U.S.-led Operation Prosperity Guardian (OPG) has allowed maritime trade to pass through the Red Sea/Gulf of Aden and resume using the Suez Canal. However, Maersk warns that the overall risk in the region has not been eliminated. The decision has led to concerns about container prices and resulted in a decline in Evergreen and Yang Ming’s stock prices. Freight rates for European and American shipping liners saw a significant increase after Maersk’s announcement.
    2023/12/26 18:31
  • 馬士基擬恢復紅海航線 貨櫃三雄暫不跟進

    丹麥航運巨商馬士基(Maersk)宣布準備恢復在紅海(Red Sea)和亞丁灣(Gulf of Aden)的航運業務,但包含長榮、陽明及萬海等國內貨櫃航商表示,仍將維持暫停通行紅海的做法。
    2023/12/26 12:06
  • 航運巨頭馬士基擬重啟紅海航線 稱美領多國軍事護航

    丹麥航運公司馬士基今天表示,公司準備恢復在紅海(Red Sea)和亞丁灣(Gulf of Aden)的航運業務,並指出以美國為首的軍事行動已完成部署,可確保此地商業安全。
    2023/12/25 10:11
  • Shipping companies reroute amid escalating Red Sea crisis

    The escalating Red Sea crisis prompts shipping companies to reroute, with ten shipping routes from Taipei and Kaohsiung passing through the Red Sea. The Houthi movement, favoring Iran, targets ships in the Red Sea, leading international and local shippers to prioritize safety by announcing delays or re-routing around the Cape of Good Hope. Shipping companies opt to navigate around the Cape or temporarily suspend services, expecting disruptions in ship schedules. The situation mainly affects regional operations and does not yet have global consequences, resulting in no congested ports like during the pandemic. National shipping lines have temporarily ceased accepting cargo for ports in Israel, with further assessments on route adjustments to be made.
    2023/12/20 21:04
  • ONE to impose US$1,000 surcharge amid Red Sea tensions

    Taiwan’s shipping market is abuzz with news that Japan’s Ocean Network Express (ONE) plans to impose an emergency surcharge of US$1,000 per container due to escalating tensions in the Red Sea. This, along with a US$1,000 increase in base freight rates, could raise the total cost of shipping a large container to US$4,000. However, this figure is still below the $6,000 being quoted in the Chinese market. Freight charges from Taiwan to Europe have been steadily increasing, with rates climbing from US$900 to US$1,000 per large container at the end of November to US$2,000 by mid-December. Shipping companies are planning another rate hike, intending to raise rates to $3,000 starting from Jan. 1, 2024. The Chinese logistics platform, www.5688.cn, reported that shipping container rates from the Far East to Israel have skyrocketed to US$6,000, a sixfold increase from the end of November.
    2023/12/20 17:11
  • Yang Ming shares surge amid Red Sea shipping crisis

    Shares of Yang Ming Marine Transport Corp. experienced a surge in volume, with over 70,000 shares traded, ranking in the top five in terms of transaction volume. This follows the suspension of services through the Red Sea by major container shipping companies, including Evergreen Marine Corp., Yang Ming, and Wan Hai Lines Ltd., due to attacks by Yemeni militants. The crisis in the Red Sea has led to global shipping lines rerouting, potentially alleviating excess capacity and boosting international freight rates. The stock performance of these "Big Three" container shipping firms has drawn significant attention. Evergreen Marine’s stock exhibited volatility, reaching a post-ex-dividend high of NT$148 but later dipping to NT$144.5. Yang Ming’s stock price also reached a morning peak but corrected downwards, with a trading volume surpassing 70,000 shares. Wan Hai Lines experienced a similar downward trend. These movements in the shipping sector are closely monitored amid the ongoing situation in the Red Sea, which impacts shipping routes worldwide.
    2023/12/20 15:29
  • 紅海危機升溫!商船改道運費急升 國際油價觸及兩週高點

    隨著紅海(Red Sea)商船遇襲事件激增,越來越多石油及油輪公司繞道,國際油價今天觸及兩週高點。
    2023/12/20 08:45
  • Evergreen halts Red Sea shipping amid Houthi threats

    Evergreen Marine Corp, a Taiwanese shipping company, has temporarily suspended its shipping services through the Red Sea due to security threats posed by Houthi militants. This decision comes after a series of attacks on commercial ships by the Yemen-based group, which has escalated tensions in the region. Evergreen joins other global shipping giants, including Orient Overseas Container Line, CMA CGM, Maersk Group, Hapag-Lloyd, and Mediterranean Shipping Company, in halting passage through the Red Sea. The attacks by the Houthis, aimed at blocking ships en route to Israel, have led to the interception of drones and missiles by the U.S. Navy, British Navy, and French Navy. In response to the exacerbating security situation, Evergreen has rerouted its ships from Asia to the Mediterranean and the U.S. East Coast to avoid the Red Sea. British Petroleum (BP) has also suspended its oil transit through the Red Sea due to increased risks.
    2023/12/19 10:06
  • 油輪商船怕遇襲紛紛避開紅海 國際油價揚升

    隨著紅海(Red Sea)的商船遇襲事件日益頻繁,越來越多的石油及油輪公司紛紛避開這個區域,使國際油價今天走揚。
    2023/12/19 06:40
  • 有片/埃及驚傳鯊魚攻擊命案 俄遊客在父親面前被咬死

    埃及紅海(Red Sea)側擁有大片美麗沙灘,是許多歐美遊客造訪的景點之一,但日前傳出該國紅海省首府赫加達(Hurghada)的一處海灘,有年輕俄羅斯遊客遭到虎鯊(tiger shark)攻擊喪命,全程都被其父親目睹,迫使埃及政府緊急關閉紅海側大面積海岸。綜合《每日郵報》等外媒報導,受害者是一名年僅23歲的俄羅斯遊客波波夫(Vladimir Popov),岸邊戲水突然遭到鯊魚攻擊,同行的家人都不在附近,父親在岸上也來不及援助,只能聽著呼救、眼睜睜看著兒子喪命。
    2023/06/11 11:41
  • 再等等!張育成「手有點疼痛」 復健賽延後至5月26日

    效力於波士頓紅襪(Boston Red Sox)的台灣好手張育成,先前因揮棒造成骨折進入傷兵名單至今,根據波士頓當地媒體《Masslive》報導,總教練柯拉(Alex Cora)23日賽後受訪時,證實隊上兩名傷兵內野手的恢復狀態良好,其中張育成預計最快能在美東時間5月24日,開始在小聯盟進行復健賽(rehab assignment)訓練,他與隊友阿羅伊(Christian Arroyo)將前往2A層級的波特蘭海狗(Portland Sea Dogs),從指定打擊(DH)開始、啟動一連串復健訓練。不過最新消息指出,張育成的復健賽恐怕要再多等幾天。
    2023/05/24 07:21
  • 【發現台灣藍海】紅海廝殺 林懷民、姚仁祿的文化藍海(一)

    藍海風潮席捲全球,而屬於台灣在地的藍海精神是什麼?「發現台灣藍海」,以台灣經驗出發,兩位文化界的名人,將分享他們的藍海經驗,林懷民雲門舞集創辦人,大學學的是新聞,但他的反骨精神,卻將他推向舞蹈,也因為他的多變,讓雲門舞上了國際舞台。 姚仁祿,台灣頂尖室內設計大師,在設計作品中展現人文氣息,而人生舞台上,他也不斷尋求自我突破,開創不一樣的人生藍海,今天我們由經濟學家,天下遠見創辦人高希鈞教授,與主持人詹怡宜,與您一同尋找,屬於台灣的藍海經驗。 主持人詹怡宜:「大家好,歡迎收看『發現台灣藍海』,今天是第一集的播出,我們剛看到,我們今天很高興,請到幾位來賓在我們現場,其實最近在談藍海,常常聽到藍海策略這幾個字,那我們今天其實要延伸的是,台灣就可以看到藍海精神,所以我們接下來會看到,陸續幾集有包括文化界,包括傳統產業,包括觀光服務,我們要介紹,到底什麼是台灣的藍海,我想我們首先先請高教授,跟我們做個解釋。」 天下遠見創辦人高希均:「好的,詹小姐、懷民兄跟姚師兄,今天第一集的播出,就邀請到2位,我覺得我們十分的高興,因為這就表示說,在很多產業裡頭,我們常常講傳統產業,常講高科技產業,我們要強調的,實在是我們文化產業,所以這個變成第一集,是特別具有這個意義,也許我先解釋一下藍海策略,這個字是從英文翻過來的,叫『Blue Ocean Strategy』,所謂『藍海策略』。 這裡頭當然,不牽涉到所謂目前,政治上面的藍色啦或者是綠色,這不相干的,那麼當然它這英文,這個字的意思就是說,相對於藍海就是有紅海,紅海的意思就是說,這麼多的企業,這麼多的產業,就習慣於在傳統上,拿那些傳統的方法,互相之間,你死我活,零和遊戲,我減價你也減價!我整理你也整理!我購併你也購併!就那個一片廝殺,這個叫『Red Sea』。」 天下遠見創辦人高希均:「好,藍海呢,就是你們這些企業家,你們這些創意的人,這樣創業的人,能不能想出與眾不同的,創新的有附加價值的,然後呢,開創一個新的領域,這個新的領域,就好像你看到一片藍海,有無限的想像的空間,那麼我想今天在文化產業裡頭,是最多的這個想像空間,我也順便說一下,當我們這一本台灣版的藍海策略,就是我們講的15個台灣企業成功的故事之後,中國大陸在第一時間,把這個書變成簡體字,很湊巧的是,一個禮拜之前就是這個,4月14、15日,有兩岸經貿論壇在北京舉行的時候,他們經過他們的這個,所謂有關機關的同意,每一個參加的人,都有一本簡體字版,而那個簡體字版寫的就是台灣的15個企業的成功的故事,使我們那個時候在座的台灣去大約2百位左右,都覺得很驕傲,就是今天中國大陸也在很認真的,學習我們這個故事。」 主持人詹怡宜:「對,我手上剛好有這本書『開創藍海』,這是簡體字版,那麼主要他們要研究的是台灣企業,那我想這個其實很有意思,所以接下來我們也要一起來研究,大陸都在研究了,我們更要瞭解,台灣這個企業,發展運用藍海策略,成功的案例,不過我覺得很有意思的是,我們在談企業,一開始我們先從文化面開始看,那我想今天在座都不用說,大家都知道這個大名鼎鼎,那我想我們先從林老師,這邊來開始,雲門舞集那我想大家都知道,雲門舞集的藍海是什麼? 其實這樣談是可能比我們要談傳統產業的藍海是什麼,還更有意思,可能或許大家也更容易理解,我一直好奇的是,當像雲門舞集這樣子,已經是在國際上享有名聲,在台灣大家都知道,但是一年比一年,你又要推出新的作品的時候,我覺得這個壓力會非常大,做為一個創作人,我們在藍海策略常常在說創意,那這個文化上面,你要怎麼樣能夠維持有不斷的創新?每一次推出都要讓人驚艷?我想這是很大的壓力,我想這是怎麼做到的呢?」 雲門舞集創辦人兼藝術總監林懷民:「其實從來沒有在想,我想基本上我,我小時候是個過動兒,那現在我還是『不安於室』,我就不喜歡做同樣的事情。」 主持人詹怡宜:「所以你一直在想,要不一樣不一樣?」 雲門舞集創辦人兼藝術總監林懷民:「就是不耐煩,我不喜歡跟別人一樣,從小我也不喜歡,跟自己的昨天一樣,我常常說,如果明天呢,的日子跟今天差不多,我想我是絕對不下床的啦。」
    2006/04/25 18:10
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